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3.2 5 keyword portions: choose what's best for each landing page

Going through the first chapter, you made a great keywords list. Time to put it to use. Open your Excel spreadsheet where you have the keywords. All in one column, you′ ve got 5 major terms (marked green), 30 alternative ones (yellow), and over 60 additional keywords (let′ s say they′ ll be red).

Now make another table, like the one below. It′ s a sample list of grouped keywords, for a weddings–related website (I imagined that the company′ s situated in Sydney, hence the regional markers are Australia and Sydney).

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5
wedding ideas wedding website wedding dress wedding gifts wedding planning
wedding ideas flowers wedding tips wedding dresses Australia wedding gifts personalized wedding planes
wedding ideas pictures wedding websites for couples wedding dresses Sydney wedding gifts Australia wedding planning classes
wedding ideas Australia wedding Australia wedding dresses pictures wedding gifts for her wedding planning schedule
wedding ideas shop wedding Sydney wedding gowns wedding gifts for him wedding planning website
wedding ideas forum wedding dresses wedding gifts to parents wedding planning list
wedding ideas magazine wedding gifts and favors
wedding gifts for wedding party
wedding favors

First of all, make five columns (they are for five landing pages), and put your five main keywords, one into each column. (That′ s what I did; on the image above you see these words are marked green.)

Now, let′ s work with your 30 yellow keywords. You need to divide them into 5 groups and put into the corresponding columns you have. You don′ t need to make these portions equal: for each major keyword, take 3 to 9 "yellow" keywords. Try to make each group contain words that are as thematically close to the main word as possible.

I guess you′ re wondering why you′ re making five keyword groups for five pages. Here′ s the explanation:

Why pages come by fives?

Look at your keywords list. Try to imagine that you have to use ALL of these keywords on just one page.

In short, this is

  • hard to do
  • will look weird to people
  • will appear unnatural to Search Engines

This would be just as stupid, as if for one soup, a cook took all kinds of spices he′ s got in the restaurant kitchen. Or even just vanilla and red pepper in a bowl of turkey soup. I guess the meal would taste odd to me, and how about you?

My advice is to make landing pages by fives. Make five at the very start to get a good portion of traffic. Then, as soon as you′ re done with their optimization (both on–page and off–page), you can add more, and start optimizing them, too. Because you add pages step–by–step, your SEO efforts will look natural both to visitors and to Search Engines. And each time, you′ ll be getting some more traffic.

Of course, that′ s not absolutely critical. You can make seven or just four landing pages at the very start, and be fine with this. But it′ s convenient to make them by fives, and that′ s what I can recommend.

DO IT NOW! Make 5 groups of keywords to create your 5 most important landing pages. On each page, you′ ll use one major (green) keyword and some supplementary (yellow) ones.


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#707 2009-10-22 16:44:34 Paul Dunn

Love the info... How about when the site format is a blog where every keyword rich post lands on the front page? Does that water down the effectiveness of the keywords?

#473 2009-09-08 17:24:19 george githinji

thanks for such great insight,i actually had to stop reading to digest the information.Brilliant

#397 2009-06-12 12:56:58 Rich Brodsky

Is it important not to repeat ANY keywords across these pages? Like for the home page, I feel like I want to include some keywords from the sub-pages. Is this a bad idea?

#218 2009-03-10 10:19:55 Dan Richmond

@Willy Rios
If you have time for all of them, go ahead! :)
5 was just for convenience.
Thanks for joining the SIP family!

#217 2009-03-09 16:08:53 Willy Rios

Dear Dan, thank you for this great book.

What about if I have a travel site with 15 different destinations and they are all related.. Is it ok if I make these 15 landning pages at once or step by step as you said??

#192 2009-02-03 21:15:27 Laus Sorensen

I've often been warned against doorway pages.
What's the difference between those and landing pages?

BTW the instructions about sorting the the key phrases are great :-)

#1956 2011-04-18 19:43:08 Freek van Steijn

A doorway page is as far as I know a page that is optimized for certain keyword phrase(s) that directly after clicking redirects you to the wanted or intended page. Years ago you already got software for it. I think the major search engines don't like it anymore and you can be penalized by doing it.

#167 2009-01-08 11:32:19 Dan Richmond

<b>@Evon Butler</b>
No way - I mean 5 pages for different purposes. Most websites would like to rank high with several pages, and most website have several landing pages in fact - each one has to be optimized. Even if you take this book's website - several pages were optimized for different keywords.

#166 2009-01-07 15:29:45 Evon Butler

I'm assuming that these 5 pages would be different versions of the same landing page, Right?

#100 2008-09-17 08:35:52 Dan Richmond

Glad to see it's helpful

#88 2008-08-25 06:58:32 Tobias Fox

Same to me. The column thing is a really good way to get the keywords.

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